
Ryan McPherson Lines up the first D of Salto Abade on the river of Souls.... Central Brazil

We are just about to pick up Jesse Coombs this evening in Brasilia the far flung capital city of Brazil. Jesse is just the final piece of the puzzle in the massive effort that was set in motion inorder to get the supper hot off the press Super Heroes to the proving grounds on many till now unexplored rivers and waterfalls of central Brazil.

Chris Zawacki, Ryan McPherson have been on the ground here in Brazil for the past month lining up logestics and doing some promotional work at the 2008 carnival in Itamote. In high brazilian style they opened up the Bar do cacheroeiras (Bar of Waterfalls) at the towns Carnical inorder to promote whitewater recreation and make plenty of friends that could help along the way. Since I arrived on the third night of Carnival there have been whispers that Pedro Oliva (Team Jackson Brazil) has his eye on a big waterfall that he scouted out last year 2000 miles to the North in the state of Tocantins.

So That brings us to today 1000 miles to the northwest from our point of arrival in Sao Paulo and we have already been blessed with a 4 inch rain dump. Check out this first batch of photos and you will probably start to get interested in Central Brazil.

Rock On!


P.S. The big one is 13 of my arm span tall, and the throat of the devil went.

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